About Time to Promote “About Time”

About Time‘s cover I designed

I am pleased to announce the publication of About Time: A Coming of Age Poetry Anthology published by Red Penguin Books. 

I had the distinct pleasure of serving as the collection’s guest editor, which was the first time I held such a role for an anthology. As editor, I sifted through the submissions after printing them and cutting off any identifiable information from each poem because I personally knew a few of the poets who submitted their work for publication consideration. I wanted every poet to have a fair chance regardless of whether I had a prior connection with them or not, so I blindly read each poem five times during the selection phase. 

The challenge of whittling down the number of accepted poems from the pool of over 300 submitted poems was real. I ultimately divided up the poems into three categories: yes, no, and maybe, then carefully read each poem two more times before making the final selections.

The hardest part of the process was contacting the poets in the “no” pile. I have received more rejections than acceptances in my writing life and know firsthand how it stings to find out my work wasn’t accepted. I did my best to pen a graceful and encouraging rejection letter, and to my surprise, received some replies from poets thanking me for such a kindly worded email. 

I thoroughly enjoyed every part of my role as guest editor for About Time, from redesigning the book’s cover and selecting poems that best exemplified the book’s vision and theme to providing a publishing credit for many new writers. I hope to work with Red Penguin again in the future!

You can order a copy of About Time by clicking this link.

Thank you to those who have purchased and/or read Enduring the Waves ! If you haven’t, I guarantee you’ll make at least one connection to Kelly’s story. Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book, should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Please reach out to me via email (jillocone@gmail.com) if you are interested in having me speak or present at your next book club or community group meeting. I’m happy to meet you!

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m so glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“About Time to Promote ‘About Time” was posted on jillocone.com on April 19, 2024. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2024, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

The Red Light Conundrum

Image Created in Canva, canva.com

Today is a bad light day.

I travel through 26 traffic lights on my 15-ish mile drive to and from my workplace every day. There’s typically one or two mornings every year or two when I hit green lights all the way, and those are the absolute best! I’m a time traveler of sorts on such mornings with an incredibly fast commute while maintaining posted speed limits.

Not the case this morning.

I actually left a few minutes earlier than usual and planned to use the added time to write. Excited about the sentences I would create on my computer screen, I backed out of my driveway after pressing the play button on my morning playlist, drove three houses up to the stop sign, and turned left.

And it began, the first red light glaring at me a few blocks up the road.

Then another. 

And so on. 

Five red lights in a row quickly added almost three minutes to my travel time, and I had just left my house six minutes prior.

I thought I had cleared the stop-and-go cycle when I miraculously drove through three green lights, but I was wrong. I was at the back of the green-light pack, and as my comrades in commuting sped up, I lingered to avoid the officer I knew was hiding in the trees alongside the highway, and much to my chagrin, the yellow-then-red lights mocked me yet again. 

Each light further irked me, especially those with no vehicles waiting for their turn. 

Phantoms. Frustrating as all hell.

The overwhelmingly unproportional number of red lights ridiculing me from above added a total of six minutes to my commute and robbed me of the extra writing time I thought I had so cleverly planned.

I realized, however, that while this morning might have been a bad light day, it is not a bad day. In fact, it is a good day. Taking some breathing exercises after I got settled helped to clear my mind, and I still had time to write, hence this post.

Life can be like that at times, constantly throwing up red lights and barriers in our path. Instead of letting them defeat us, we can learn to accept the adage that everything happens at the right time. Some of us may experience immediate success with our goals and dreams, while others may have to work a little harder and a lot longer to make our dreams and goals realities. 

While frustrating at the time, just now it hit me that perhaps those red lights might have prevented me from danger or harm. Maybe the extra time sitting in my car provided me with a springboard over the writer’s block obstacles that have recently plagued me so that the flow of words as I type this is smoother, more fluent, and more relevant.

The more I think about it, the color red is associated with the root chakra which provides grounding, stability, and safety. Words are rooted inside of me. I am open to all possibilities and trust the universe to support me, even if my journey is delayed by red lights and unavoidable obstacles.

I am grounded and have found peace.

Thank you to those who have purchased and/or read Enduring the Waves ! If you haven’t, I guarantee you’ll make at least one connection to Kelly’s story. Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book, should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Please reach out to me via email (jillocone@gmail.com) if you are interested in having me speak or present at your next book club or community group meeting. I’m happy to meet you!

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m so glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“The Red Light Conundrum” was posted on jillocone.com on March 12, 2024. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2024, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

“Enduring the Waves” Surfs into the Hands of Readers

February Breen’s Seasonal Book Club February Meeting at The Little Point Bookshop. Thanks to the staff for hosting us all!

I added a milestone to my calendar this month by attending my first solo event in support of Enduring the Waves. I spoke to the members of Breen’s Seasonal Book Club on Saturday, February 10, 2024 and enjoyed every moment of my time with them. It was wild to see people walking on the street of my hometown carrying my novel in their hands. “They have MY book!” I yelled to my sister-in-law as we searched for a coveted parking spot near The Little Point Bookshop, where the club meeting was held. 

After meeting club members at their December brunch, where some purchased signed copies of Enduring the Waves directly from me, I knew they were collectively interested in the book. And the waves of serendipity rolled through the February meeting as I connected with several teachers from different schools, some of whom worked with people I knew or had also worked with at some point.

I appreciated the thoughtful questions asked by some members after I shared a bit of the novel’s backstory with images taken during my own Ireland adventures to provide visuals of places that they read about in Enduring.  I am comforted when readers share with me they found Enduring to be healing, especially from readers I don’t know. I ultimately wrote Enduring to heal myself without ever thinking it would heal others, and yet it has.

It maynot make a best seller list, and some might not consider it to be worthy of promotion because I am largely unknown as a writer right now, but because my novel helped to heal many, it is a success in my eyes.

And it’s a damn good story. 

I went through countless folders of images from my Ireland trips on my hard drives to find the right pictures to share with the book club, and emotion suddenly swept over me. 

I did that, dammit! 

I followed the signs and went to a foreign country with nothing other than courage and a sense of adventure, and a trusted traveling companion along for the ride. Eight years later after my first true mission from the universe in 2016, I know some reasons I was there, with writing Enduring the Waves the most prominent.

The future of the path I am currently walking is foggy, but I know in my heart I am being led to something wonderful that involves words and light. I trust it despite not being able to see my feet moving forward or the final destination. Like Kelly (Enduring’s main character), I am riding all of life’s waves and enjoying every moment.

Thank you to those who have purchased and/or read Enduring the Waves ! If you haven’t, I guarantee you’ll make at least one connection to Kelly’s story. Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book, should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Please reach out to me via email (jillocone@gmail.com) if you are interested in having me speak or present at your next book club or community group meeting. I’m happy to meet you!

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m so glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“”Enduring the Waves” Surf into the Hands of Readers” was posted on jillocone.com on February 21, 2024. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2024, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

Published in “Beach Badge” Magazine Issue 4!

I’m elated to share that my essay, “Summer’s Shore Roars,” was published in Beach Badge Magazine Issue 4.

Beach Badge Magazine is published by Eight Stone Press and edited by William Tandy. From their website, Beach Badge Magazine “is a salt-encrusted, sand-clogged homage to the magic, mayhem, and mystery of the New Jersey Shore, as told by those who have lived it.”

My piece, “Summer’s Shore Roars,” focuses on the local long-running powerboat races and traditions, the revels surrounding the boats’ arrivals, and the thrills of the races themselves. Locals will remember Benihana restaurant founder and race sponsor Rocky Aoki tearing up the ocean in the grueling summer heat alongside other racers as they traversed up and down the shore in the late 1970s, from Monmouth County down to Atlantic County and back. Over time, the races became shorter with different fanfare, but the roar of the boat engines as they scream out of the Inlet onto the face of the ocean lures me to this very day. I did my best to capture in words the magic of those core memories in “Summer’s Shore Roars,” and having my piece selected for publication was truly an honor.

Beach Badge Magazine Issue 4, along with issues 1-3, can be ordered online by clicking here. It is also available for purchase at a handful of shore locations, including Asbury Book Cooperative in Asbury Park and Steady Hand Collective in Neptune City.

While you are waiting for your copy of Beach Badge Issue 4 to arrive, remember to consider Enduring the Waves as well! I guarantee you’ll make at least one connection to Kelly’s story. Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book, should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m so glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“Published in Beach Badge Issue 4” was posted on jillocone.com on January 17, 2024. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2024, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

The best books for lovers of the shore and the sea

When I was approached by the folks over at Shepherd.com to provide recommendations for books with similar aspects to Enduring the Waves as a way to promote my novel, I hesitated at first as doubts and questions swirled around my mind. What kind of expert am I? How could I whittle down my extensive collection to only five surf and shore themed books, and which books had a message that could most inform and inspire others?

Then I looked at myself with different lenses.I realized I am worthy of providing recommendations, and knew the perfect books for my list because they are the ones I’ve reread more than once and/or keep going back to for various reasons.

As such, I accepted the challenge and my list went live today. Head on over to Shepherd.com’s newest list of book recommendations, The best books for lovers of the shore and the sea,

If you haven’t already done so, please consider reading Enduring the Waves as well! I guarantee you’ll make at least one connection to Kelly’s story. Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m so glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“The best books for lovers of the shore and the sea” was posted on jillocone.com on January 15, 2024. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2024, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

Ten (Plus 1) Books and Writers to Check Out in 2024

My writing journey has led me to cross paths with some incredible fellow writers who I now call colleagues and/or friends.

Winter always provides an opportunity to cozy up under a blanket with a hot beverage and a book. While I would absolutely love it if you purchased my debut novel, Enduring the Waves, there are a few other books that deserve to have a light shined upon them written by fellow writers with strong and authentic voices.

Please note that I am not being paid to endorse any of these books or publishers, and the authors and publishers I included did not know I was posting this. Should you choose to purchase one or more of the works below, you will also be supporting independent publishing houses in the Jersey Shore area, but I am making no profit by sharing this list.

Click anywhere in the text for more information about each writer and/or book. I hope you find at least one that speaks to you.

Magnificently Made: A beautiful collection of stories to connect you to your personal power and to each other. 33 chapters written by 33 phenomenal women designed to remind YOU that you, in all your glorious humanness, through all life’s ups and downs, through joys and pains, through judgment and empathy towards yourself and others, through moments where you are elated to moments where you feel deflated, through it all…YOU are magnificently made, born for a purpose, and capable of more than you know. Published by Inspired Girl publishing group and featuring chapters written by some of my favorite people, this book is GORGEOUS in both layout and message and would make the perfect present for the reader in your life.

This Too: Life-isms to savor the sweetness of life and calm you through the storms by Natalie Friscia Pancetti: Pancetti’s beautiful coffee-table book with little statements to calm you through the storms was written because of her parents instilling the phrase This Too Shall Pass in her from a very young age. This Too connects not only to difficult times or suffering but to blessings, treasured life moments, and small victories and suggests we remember and cherish every moment. This Too also serves as a wonderful gift.

Project Unhoused by Zac Levy. Zac is a current senior at High Technology High School in Lincroft, New Jersey. What started out as a project to learn more about the area’s homeless population turned into a passion to help out the less fortunate. Zac’s book contains interviews and research to shine a light upon many popular misconceptions about homelessness. 100% of the profits from his book will be given directly to homeless populations. Here is a young person NOT motivated by likes or social media but by altruism and his mission is truly inspiring.

She Had No Business by Jessica Varian Carroll. For anyone who has ever felt (or worse, been told): you’ve got no business doing that—Jessica’s story will challenge your perspective and inspire you to chase your dreams. As a successful entrepreneur and author of She Had No Business, Jessica transformed her situation against all odds to build a life of significance, service and leadership—all while trailblazing paths for others to do the same. I am proud to call Jessica my friend and have learned so much from her. Jessica owns Organista (home organizing business) and is co-founder of SOAR Symposium and Inspired Girl publication with Jennifer Tuma Young.

Poetic Emergencies by Laura B. Ginsberg. This book is for anyone who scribbles on napkins or receipts and is looking for a spark of something poetic to help capture some fleeting moment of emotion that could flutter away in a fraction of a second. Ginsberg is an editor, a writing instructor, and someone who has guided me along my publication journey. Her book is full of starter ideas to spark stories and is a super gift for the writer in your life.

Growth by Dylan Finn. After fourteen days, Dylan Finn awoke from a coma. Two weeks earlier, he was a typical college kid having fun, enjoying school, and hanging out with friends. But, on this particular day, Dylan had suffered a traumatic brain injury from a fall. With only a ten percent survival rate, Dylan found the strength and courage to flip the perspective of what happened to him and to use what he had learned to help others. Growth is the real story of what happened and Dylan’s journey of learning, lessons, and light found at the end of the tunnel. Growth is published by Starlight Books and will be released in February.

Anything by Gregory Andrus/Portraits of the Jersey Shore. Author and photographer of Portraits of the Jersey Shore Volume 1, Sand, Sea, and Rescue, and two forthcoming books, Gregory is one of the most kind-hearted and warm souls I have ever encountered. Sparked by the success of his now well-known Facebook page Portraits of the Jersey Shore, Gregory speaks regularly at area events about his journey and is a fixture at local book signings. To learn more about his current projects, himself, or to reserve your copy of his upcoming book A Walk Along the Jersey Shore, click HERE.

Jewmorous by Herman Lentz. Herman’s memoir is hysterical, witty, and honest, and he has an unmatched knack for verbal storytelling. From his website: Herman Lentz is a retired Chief Compliance Officer, who no longer shackled by the constraints imposed by his position is finally able to publish his first book without fear that his musings will cost him his career. Always a story teller, he has put together a collection of essays about the adventures and misadventures in his life. A Long Island Jew with delusions of grandeur, he lives in New Jersey not by choice, but by marriage, as his first generation Greek Orthodox wife wanted to be close to her extremely extended family. He prides himself on his great head of hair and self-proclaimed rapier like wit. I am proud to call Herman my friend.

Anything by Mike Farragher. Mike is the inspiring leader of my writing group, Rise and Write, and has authored six incredible books (and counting). He also organizes the Count Basie Center for the Arts’ Annual Irish Film Festival, teaches memoir courses for Monmouth University, and has an energy for life that is contagious and one I wish I could channel. Mike’s Irish heritage and candid discussion of his essays at the first writing meeting I attended inspired me to dust off what is now known as Enduring the Waves and revise it one last time. That moment led me to become a traditionally published author, and I’ll always be indebted to Mike for his sparking of my light.

Press Pause by Maureen Spataro. Press Pause shares the story of Maureen Spataro’s breakdown, and the treatment that would have her revisit the traumas from her past – traumas that she thought she had already dealt with. Finally fully unpacking the abuse she endured, the secrets she carried for decades turned into a catalyst for not only healing herself but changing the whole trajectory of her family’s future.

Magical Margherita by Victoria Karnatski. Margherita can sense how others are feeling and with a wave of her wand and the warmth of her smile, she magically shifts their mood and lifts their spirits!! This book shares such a beautiful message of empathy, compassion, and the power we all have to brighten someone’s day, and both children and adults can relate to its messages.

Don’t forget to consider Enduring the Waves as well! I guarantee you’ll make at least one connection to Kelly’s story. Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m so glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“Ten (Plus 1) Books and Writers to Check Out in 2024” was posted on jillocone.com on January 10, 2024. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2024, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

Looking for a Cozier Mind?

Many folks use the new year’s arrival as a portal to rediscover themselves. Sometimes, life has other plans for us and we lose sight of our intention because of our schedules and lack of time. Other times, anxiety and stress throw up detours and roadblocks, and we’re left wondering what the hell to do to continue fostering that desire for self-connection.

If you are looking for a new way to connect with yourself, check out The Belligerent Ginger’s Journal Prompts for a Cozier Mind Workbook.

Author Megan P. Shull’s collection of journal prompts is a great addition to both your writing and mental well-being toolboxes. When she experienced extremely difficult and life-changing mental health issues, which she candidly discusses in her book, she created journal prompts to help rewire her brain and to cope with her situation.

Her desire to help others led to creating this incredibly healing and wholesomely honest workbook of journal prompts that can help mend old wounds while serving as a vessel of self-compassion. Shull guides readers through the act of journaling and shares specific prompts she found helpful in reducing her own emotional distress. I admire the hell out of Shull for putting herself out there and creating something from her darkest days that can help others become a friend to themselves. Her workbook is jam-packed with poignant questions to spark reflections and suggested actions to complement conversations with one’s self in order to build a stronger relationship with the most important person we will ever encounter: ourselves.

I am not being paid to endorse or recommend The Belligerent Ginger’s Journal Prompts for a Cozier Mind Workbook in any way. I wholeheartedly believe in Megan Shull’s mission, and I am proud to call her my brave and inspiring friend (by the way, she has no idea I’m writing this). Click here for ordering information.

Please keep in mind that the journal’s content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health/medical professional or other qualified health provider about your specific condition(s). If you are in crisis or you think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or a crisis, please reach out immediately to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. These services are free and confidential.

Click here to order The Belligerent Ginger’s Journal Prompts for a Cozier Mind Workbook by Megan P. Shull on Amazon.

If you’re looking for a super book to cozy up with on the winter days ahead, may I unabashedly recommend Enduring the Waves to you? I guarantee you’ll make at least one connection to Kelly’s story. Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m so glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“Looking for a Cozier Mind?” was posted on jillocone.com on January 3, 2024. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2023, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

A Heartfelt Reflection from A Writer Full of Cheese

I’m sitting in silence on the day after Christmas, sipping my coffee and musing upon life…

I’ll be honest. For over a decade, the holiday season has been difficult for me. The reasons why are plenty and real in every sense of the word, but pertinent only to me and ones I choose not to elaborate upon right now.

This year, I wanted to overcome my struggle to find the season’s magic, so I shifted my mindset and focused upon its blessings instead of its anguish. I also I made the intention to look through the eyes of the younger people in my life, specifically my nieces and nephews.

And you know what? It worked. 

Spending time with them and sharing in their collective wonder and awe made a tremendous difference in my spirit. Going all in and embracing festive moments led to joy replacing the dread formerly cast by my mind’s ghoolies and ghosts from Christmases past. I’ve still got some holiday hills to surmount next season, but I’m in a much better frame-of-mind this go-around.

But now, after all the anticipation, the holiday bonanza is over just like that and we’ve entered the year’s strangest stretch. Years ago, I made a sticker of the meme I posted above because it perfectly describes the stretch of days between Christmas and the new year.

Much like the weeks preceding Christmas, these peculiar days are festive at first, with bursts of activity amid pockets of rest, then transform into a wistful solace where we’re uncertain of how we’re supposed to feel or what we’re supposed to do. 

We are confused, unsure, and indeed, full of cheese. 

Do we continue to watch holiday shows and listen to holiday music like we did when I was growing up? Or do we abruptly banish them to next year’s calendar and move on, like mainstream media and marketing executives have already mandated by shifting the content of commercials and programming the second Santa departs from our rooftops?

Are we supposed to celebrate the year ahead, or mourn the year behind? Or do both? 

Or neither? 

And what the hell day is it again?

This odd stretch of boxes on our calendars is a time to reflect and renew, to cry goodbye while shouting hello, to remember where we’ve been while we focus on where we’re going. Many like-minded creators offer workbooks and journal prompts to assist us in examining our past, celebrating our present, and planning for our future, but I’m doing my own thing this year despite their valuable offerings.

2023 provided me with many gifts but began with a bang. I didn’t share this publicly, but I fell and fractured both of my elbows just five days into the year. Life forced me to slow down, which was very difficult for me, and I recovered at home for almost six weeks.

While my elbows healed, something sparked inside of me which I still cannot name or describe, a desire to really discover who I am. I honestly learned to trust the timing of my life, and since then, I’ve been traveling an amazing path. The insight from the writers and teachers I encountered along my path this year weren’t new by any means, but on several occasions, lights literally snapped on inside me in what I can only describe as moments of enlightenment (literally). 

In those moments, I was ready to ACCEPT the information being offered to me and discovered new ways of looking at things from fully diving into the depths of these lessons. I adjusted my attitude about my past mistakes and shed the skins of shame and guilt. I broke through the barriers of fear and judgment to honor my right-now self and see her through lenses of love and absolute acceptance.

I am still walking down the obscured yet promising path that lies in front of me, the finish line well off in the distance, and know I am being led to a place where I can shine my light the brightest while sparking the light in others. I have a lot of questions but trust the answers will come in time.

Despite its heaviness, 2023 gave me endless moments filled with fascination, jubilation, and laughter, most of which featured at least one of my nieces and nephews by my side. I gazed upon some amazing places and landmarks, including looking down from the top of the Empire State Building, Lucy the Elephant and Absecon Lighthouse, Nashville (especially the Zoo), Boston, Williamsburg, Washington, D.C., Richmond, Liberty Science Center, Camden Aquarium, and our local boardwalk and aquarium. I rode over 30 coasters at Six Flags Great Adventure, Dutch Wonderland, HersheyPark, and King’s Dominion, and thanks to the no-fear attitude of my 9-year-old nephew I, rode the tallest roller coaster in the world, Kingda Ka. That’s something I NEVER thought I would do, and I’m so incredibly grateful to my nephew for inspiring me to overcome my fear. I saw a few rainbows, survived a few tornado warnings, fed alpacas, witnessed Anthony Volpe hit his first career home run at Yankee Stadium, and crossed off a bucket list item when I danced with my toes in the sand alongside treasured friends with the Foo Fighters on stage in front of me. I also “Celebrate”d with the Jonas Brothers, The Cure, Boy George and Culture Club, Berlin, Howard Jones, The Beach Boys, Weezer, and Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. 

2023 also gifted me with the incredible title of “Published Author.” My almost ten-year long serendipitous adventure came full circle, from when the seeds of Kelly’s story were first planted to signing my publication contract with Wild Rose Press in February (with healed elbows, I might add) to the indescribable feeling of holding the book in my hands on my publication day in November. It’s been a bit difficult adjusting to this new title, but I’m adapting and learning while going with the flow.

I usually either select a word or compile a list of goals or resolutions for the upcoming year, but when I lose sight of my previously declared vision or don’t accomplish the goals I set, I’m left spinning in a cycle of failure which leads to the ghoolies of self-deprication and doubt.

I’m changing my end-of-year routine this year and look ahead to 2024 with my right-now self in mind. I will put her first and advocate for her peace of mind above all else while striving to live each and every moment I can. 

I aim to connect with my soul at the beginning of each day, dutifully fulfill the needs of my right-now self, and reflect upon the day’s gifts at its end. I will also make steady progress on my projects and creations, like finishing two half-written novels, but I will not beat myself up if I stall or if my plans change or go awry.

I want to continue learning as much as I can from people who inspire me so I can spark the light in others. My first step in that direction will be beginning a 200-hour yoga teacher training program in January under the tutelage of my fantastic yoga teacher, Katie.

I will say YES to whatever opportunities the universe hands to me as long as those opportunities serve me, and when they don’t, I will say NO without guilt. I will continually express gratitude for my blessings and abundance, rest and recharge when I need to, and employ all of my senses while walking along the road less traveled. 

Most of all, I want to be in awe of everything I encounter and experience joy as much as is possible, especially when I am in the company of those I love.

In the new year ahead, I hope you experience abundant joy in every moment and that your right-now self receives what he/she most needs. 

Eat as much cheese as you want. 

And cake, too. Eat the damn cake!

If you’re looking for a super book to cozy up with on the winter days ahead, may I unabashedly recommend Enduring the Waves to you? I guarantee you’ll make at least one connection to Kelly’s story. Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Thank you for reading this. Thank you for supporting me. And thank you for joining me on my journey.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“A Heartfelt Reflection from a Writer Full of Cheese” was posted on jillocone.com on December 26, 2023. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2023, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

The Afterglow

“Enduring the Waves” has been out for almost a week.

Well, kind of.

True to fashion, there was an unexpected and nondescript glitch surrounding the fulfillment on Amazon for paperback orders which appears to have been rectified, and books should be in the hands of those who ordered it by the end of this week. If you are one of those affected, thank you for your patience. I promise you the wait will be worth it.

To be honest, it wouldn’t be normal if things went normal, so I’m not at all dismayed by the delay. My family celebrated with me on release day with a pizza dinner and a congratulatory cake, which was absolutely perfect. My favorite part was being with all five of my nieces and nephews together again, since the eldest was home from college for Thanksgiving. The days since have sped by at a record pace, their rapidness most likely fueled by the fact I am not feeling the greatest. No need for well wishes; such is the norm when good old Lupus decides to tinker with my valves and buttons to create heinous headaches and fatigue on an almost debilitating level. Muddling through the best I can while ensuring my right-now self’s needs are met.

Despite not feeling the greatest, Thanksgiving this year was perfect. I watched the parade and made a ton of silly snapchats with my youngest niece and nephews, then enjoyed a quiet dinner at home with my husband, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law. Two of my favorite parts of the day were seeing icons Cher and Dolly Parton each perform on different television broadcasts, Cher during the parade and Dolly at halftime of the Dallas/Washington game. And I loved seeing Bell Biv Devoe in the parade too! “Now you know you’re Slick blow!” Awesome!

Hoping to see some familiar faces at my first “author” event coming this Saturday, The Writer’s Block Holiday Fair in Ocean Grove. I’ll be alongside 25ish other wordsmiths, some of whom are in my writing group, for a day-long celebration of books. I will have copies of “Enduring the Waves” for sale (cash only) and will be happy to sign pre-purchased copies as well. Reach out if you need more information! See the image below for additional details.

Click on the book cover above for ordering links and more, including a Reader’s Guide (kind of like a study guide for the book should you be interested in a deeper relationship with it).

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“The Afterglow” was posted on jillocone.com on November 25, 2023. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2023, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.

The Day Before


It might seem inconsequential to you, a monotonous Monday, maybe just another day on the calendar, but for me? My life changes tomorrow, and when I wake up, I will be a published novelist.  

There’s no going back to the person I am right now, the person typing this post.

I’ve always imagined seeing my name on the cover of a book ever since I was a child and writing stories all the time. After almost a decade spent following the universe’s breadcrumbs literally around the world, then crafting those morsels into a novel meant to be shared, Enduring the Waves will finally be out in the world. 

To be honest, I really don’t care if people think it’s terrible because not only did I do my best, I rose time and time again to revise and improve it after the sting of rejections fizzled out. That’s what matters most to me, and I can’t control others’ feelings about or their experience while reading it. Writing this book has been my purpose and a huge part of my journey for so long that it’s strange to think about moving beyond it. It’s almost as if I’m waving goodbye to an entity that is part of me, like a child getting onto the school bus to ride by herself for the first time on the first day of kindergarten. As that bus drives away, I well up with tears as one chapter ends and another one literally begins. I will allow such feelings to come and go today and have their final encore, then tomorrow, when Enduring the Waves arrives home on the school bus, I will welcome her with glorious enthusiasm and applaud its metamorphosis from just an idea to an actual book to be held, and read, and hopefully, enjoyed.

Tomorrow is a day of jubilation to celebrate transcending beyond the fear of failure, relentlessly pursuing my passion, earning the title of “published novelist,” and proving that dreams do not have an expiration date.

It’s going to be a glorious day.

If you’d like to help me celebrate, please take a picture of your copy, post it on your social media feeds, and tag me. And it’s not too late to secure your copy! Order today and you’ll have it in your hand in no time!

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I’m glad you are here.

With light and love,


If you’d like to stay current with my journey, please consider signing up for my newsletter here:

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“The Day Before” was posted on jillocone.com on November 19, 2023. Views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the writer, who was not endorsed or compensated in any manner by any entity; views do not represent any of my employers. Copyright 2023, Jill Ocone. All rights reserved. Contact Jill with reposting, licensing, and publishing inquiries using any of the links below.